Angel Gabilondo (1-3-1949, 72 years old, San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa), candidate in the elections to the Madrid Assembly for the PSOE on May 4, is the fifth of the six applicants who undergoes the sports 'third grade' for the newspaper AS in which he reveals his most personal relationship with sport and points out some brushstrokes of the proposals that are included in the program of his party on sports matters, if he comes to govern in the Community of Madrid.
Confessed member of the Real Sociedad, he is an inveterate lover of football, Although he reveals what other sports he likes and practices, what he loves and hates about sport, his programmatic proposals, gives his opinion on the burning issue of the Super League and the return of the public to the stadiums, and does not get too wet about who will win The league.
Isabel Diaz Ayuso
From the Popular Party of Madrid, the newspaper AS has been informed that Isabel Díaz Ayuso, the PP candidate for the elections to the Madrid Assembly on Tuesday, May 4, will not submit to the questionnaire on her relationship with sport and her proposals programs related to this area, as the rest of the candidates have accepted.