Javier Ruiz Caldera Surprise with your last movie, Wolfgang. The filmmaker had accustomed us to a thug and very corrosive cinema, but this time he tells us an extremely emotional story with touches of humor. For this, the adaptation of the book of Laia Aguilar has been used.
The film is a family drama focused on an audience from 10 years, the age of its protagonist, Wolfgang, a child with an intellectual coefficient of 152 and an autistic spectrum disorder. The little one has just been orphaned by mother, who was written that custody passed to the father, Carles, a man who does not know. He accepts the decision with fear and concern, because he does not know where to start. A decision that does not share Wolfgang, since it considers that man a stranger with whom he has nothing to do and that, in addition, is inferior in every way. For Carles, actor by profession who does not live his best moment, this will be the worst that can happen to him.
The Wolfgang’s concern is becoming the best pianist in the worldFor this, he wants to access one of the best music schools in France. This is the start of a story in which the viewer does not know where he will lead him. I personally interest that the director explores a character, that of Wolfgang, so little seen on the screen, that he shows us the story through his eyes and his way of thinking. Wolfgang only knows how to express himself from sincerity, so we contemplate his wishes and his obsessions, and there he enters Music, a fundamental element in this story. It is not only for Wolfgang’s obsession to become the best pianist, but acts as his refuge, as the way of evading a world that does not understand. Music will mark in one way or another the drama, conflict and the relationships that are established between the two protagonists, father and son.
Humor instead of tears
Wolfgang speaks, in addition to unplanned paternity, imposed on the second opportunities that sometimes brings our lives with special characters. He does it without causing tear and resorting to humor, the most powerful environment to try to normalize the differences that exist in history. For such a film, Ruiz Caldera needed some actors who were not only well, but also gave credibility to history in all the sequences in which they appear. Starting with the leading child, Jordi Catalan, precise, adjusted and giving all the necessary nuances on each plane so that the viewer understands a character as complicated as the one who has touched him. By his side, a inmenso Miki Sparbé Giving life to Carles, the parent. Only an actor of his caliber knows how to dig in every corner of an upheaval man. A very original, fun, playful and extremely exciting narrative.
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