“And Fiona is identical to you”

The media war between the collaborators of the new Save me and Terelu Campos is only getting more excited. If in the last few hours she has been heated up by the exclusive from Belén Esteban in which she reveals that she has blocked her (and Carmen Borrego too), this Wednesday the waters have not calmed down after Kiko Matamoros has discovered the nickname with which María Teresa Campos’ daughter, supposedly, addresses him.

“Shrek”María Patiño revealed, provoking an immediate reaction from her partner: “But is she such a complete moron? She won’t disrespect me,” she lamented.

And then, he himself took it upon himself to draw another resemblance to her: “Look, pretty, well pretty, Terelú. You’ve precisely chosen a character who has a girlfriend who is identical to you. Someone should get a photo of you at my wedding and put a photo next to Fiona. Please do it. You’re clumsy even at that, you’ve made it easy for me. She’s identical to Fiona,” he said, causing laughter from his colleagues.

The tension between Terelu and her former colleagues grew especially after Belén Esteban said, on Marc Giró’s program on La 2 of TVE, that Alejandra Rubio’s mother was not there and was not expected to be there. As if we were ShhhThe fact that Terelu has now returned to work at Telecinco following her daughter’s pregnancy has further heated up the atmosphere.
