Anabel Pantoja, victim of a robbery on her trip to Rome: “It was a tremendous scare”

The holidays in Rome Anabel Pantoja and her boy, the physiotherapist David Rodriguez, They have been cut short by a robbery. While they were enjoying a famous restaurant in the Italian capital, the singer's niece had her purse stolen with her cell phone and all of her documentation. “It has been a tremendous scare”the cousin of Isa Pantoja and Kiko Rivera has stated on her social networks.

Isabel Pantoja's niece explained the mishap a few hours ago on her Instagram profile, where she has 1.8 million followers. “We have been victims of a robbery. It has never happened to me”, he pointed out. Likewise, the influencer has detailed that, while she was eating, she had the bag on the chair in the establishment along with her raincoat and her scarf. At that moment, the thief took advantage of Anabel's confusion and took her purse. The restaurant's waiters saw the criminal and his boy ran after him. “Fortunately from this I realize that I will always carry my bag hanging”has manifested.

Likewise, although she has recovered her belongings, the influencer has recorded the thief and has acknowledged that he has asked her for forgiveness. “I told him no. You ask me for money and I give it to you, but he left me without documentation, without a cell phone and with nothing in Rome”she said, visibly upset.

Thus, the ex of Yulen Pereria and Omar Sánchez has stressed on her networks the importance of reporting this type of situation. “If you don't report it, it will always continue like this. You think it will never happen until it does.”he commented.

After the mishap, Anabel and her boy took a guided tour of the Colosseum and tasted the traditional carbonara pasta in another restaurant. “My first authentic carbonara without cream”Bernardo Pantoja's daughter commented on her Instagram profile.
