“I’m going to continue with my life.” This was assured this Wednesday Anabel Pantoja before the media and is doing so. In the last three days, and after more than a week locked at home with her little soul, Isabel Pantoja’s niece has returned to the street. First it was a visit to the hospital, then a walk in the neighborhood and this Friday, one morning on the beach followed by a meal between friends. The influencer begins to enjoy motherhood as always dreamed it: happy, relaxed, surrounded by love … and in this little oasis in full research of the TSJC, he has shared a tender video of his girl with a meridian message: “I will be Your shield “.
In the image only the baby’s pieces are appreciated because, as their parents advanced, they made the joint decision to protect their face. The girl, wrapped with a gauze of bears, rests in the arms of one of her grandmothers while her mother records her. Anabel has accompanied the clip with a significant Pitingo song: “I will not allow anyone to offend you, I will be your shield and the one that protects you from the storms. I will be that wall, I will be that stone. I will be shelter when you You want it. A statement of intentions and love for his daughter, who has already become the most important of his life.

30 days of Calvary
The Nightmare of Anabel Pantoja began on January 9, when little Alba, of just 40 days of life, was admitted to the Canary Islands Maternal-Infantil Hospital after suffering a crisis. They were distressing days in which the family cried and prayed for a recovery that was practically miraculous. But miracles exist (according to some) and Alma began to improve. After 18 days of admission, he was discharged and returned home with his parents. It was the end of a Calvary and the beginning of another, because that same day, Monday 27, Anabel and David had to appeal in court to declare before the judge: the medical team that attended Alma had given part to the authorities by the Baby injuries, who did not agree with the version of what happened the parents had offered.
At the moment, the investigation continues for an “alleged child abuse” and the judge is thorough: she has ordered that all the medical reports of the child be expanded, she has requested the security cameras of the mall in which the parents were Alma suffered the crisis and has asked for the declaration of witnesses, friends and family. The issue is complex and could be extended up to six months, so, advised by experts, Anabel and David have established separate defense strategies in them, once the instruction phase is completed, the magistrate orders the opening of oral trial. The other option is the case file. At the moment, neither is charged with any crime and the girl remains in the custody of her parents.