Anabel Pantoja accepts her drama with Yulen with resignation: “I have to be fine”

Upon his return from the United States earlier this month, the happiness that Anabel Pantoja She felt about having accompanied her aunt Isabel on her American tour quickly vanished. As soon as he set foot on Spanish soil, he broke with Yulen Pereira. Love, as I would say Joaquin Sabina, it lasted “as long as two ice fish last in a whiskey on the rocks”. They met last year in survivorsthey went to live together in November and everything is in the past.

Read also Yulen’s sentence after his drama with Anabel Pantoja: “Neither the bad guys are so bad, nor are the good guys so good”

Somewhat more recomposed from the drama, the girl pantojita reappeared this week at an event in Madrid. In petit committee, she told Week: “I’m fine and I have to be fine. These are changes that have to go through, because life is like that. This is not a problem, the problems are in hospitals and in matters more serious than those that have happened to me” . He also confessed to the media.

The culebron

These words from Anabel are published one day after the statements offered by Yulen in Save methe program where she worked: “I’m not going to tell you what happened (…) But the bad guys are not that bad, nor are the good ones that good,” he told Pipi Estrada.

Read alsoPinocchio, the alleged brother of Anabel Pantoja, on the warpath: “Bernardo told me to fight for my last name”

In Fiesta, Last weekend Anabel already took iron out of the matter, denying that another person has ‘interfered’ between the two: “I don’t think you have to look for ridicule, third parties or planned plans. Life is like that and you have to take it as it comes “. And she added: “Yulen and I love each other, we respect each other and it will always be that way.” She also explained to the media: “I can’t be crying for someone who decided to leave.”

While assuming and accepting what is coming, Anabel has to face the rent of the apartment they rented together in Madrid, in the Delicias neighborhood, a step away from Atocha.