The new version about the rupture of the small pantojita and the Spanish-Cuban fencer continues to give people something to talk about. And it seems that the instagramer Melania Puntas was not the third in disagreement but David Rodriguezthe physical therapist Isabel Pantoja. He is from Córdoba, he is 25 years old and flirts via social networks with Anabel for weeks.
The tour of the United States has brought them together so much that the drama-queen from Cantora even forgot to call her boyfriend. Yulen Pereirajealous, he vented to his environment (“It has passed from him, it has not been up to par”he says) and would have decided to break the relationship before the evidence.
Anabel, for her part, denies having had anything more than a friendship with the physiotherapist, but the flirtation between the two is evident: they compliment each other online and challenge each other to see each other as soon as possible.