Ana Soria shows off her great body, her summer vacation and her boyfriend: she kisses Enrique Ponce

Ana Soria is having one of the best summers of her lifealthough the truth is that all of his last summers have been spent in cotton wool due to his cloying love with Enrique PonceThis one also has something special, because the 25-year-old has finally finished her law studies and is ready to start her new era: a master’s degree (although at a distance so as not to be separated from her 52-year-old boyfriend for too long).

In this second part of August, the future lawyer has shared a video in which she sums up her summer perfectly: friends, a boat, bikinis, the sea of ​​Almería and bullfighting from the sidelines. The same as always. “I owe it to my feelings,” she writes, referring to a very romantic song by Miguel Campello that she also shares.

In one part of the video, Paloma Cuevas’ ex-husband appears dedicating a bullfight to her from one of the last bullrings where he has fought this summer. The bullfighter announced his retirement in 2021 but it is this year that he has returned to offer a farewell tour. In fact, this week he passed through Almería, Soria’s homeland where they live. She enjoyed the bullfight with her heart in her mouth, but feeling very proud that her lover dedicates the bullfights to her from his land. What love is like.

Once the summer is over, Soria returns to her particular arena: that of studies. During these years, it is more than evident that the young Soria – who sat in The Anthill with Ponce to respond to all the criticism about their relationship – she has not only been focused on her law career. Love knocked on her door so intensely that it was impossible for her to focus on completing her studies in four years, which the degree is designed for. It took her about seven and she even did an internship at her father Federico Soria’s law firm, who smoothed the way for her and helped her fulfill each of her dreams, which for now involve maintaining her relationship with the bullfighter from Chiva as good as it has been until now and her future career.
