Nine months have passed since Ana Obregon left Memorial Regional Hospital with Ana Sandra Lequio Obregón, who was baptized this Sunday, in arms. Just a week later, the actress reappeared with an exclusive under her arm in her leading magazine, Hola, exposing the girl born by surrogate and explaining that she was actually the daughter of her son who died three years ago. At the same time, another newspaper featured the image of the surrogate mother on the cover, also revealing her initials.
Now, in the final stretch of the year, it has become known that the surrogate mother has made a decisive decision. She has sought advice from a Spanish law firm, Vilches Abogados, as lawyer Manuel Hernández explained this Sunday on Nuria Roca's program on laSexta, to take legal measures. They have already prepared a document.
“When Mrs. Yolanda comes to our office she comes to complain about several issues. What she comes to complain about, first of all, is a right that threatens his honor. It is false that he did it for economic needs.“, remarked the lawyer. “In the publication you see a person in a bathrobe and in circumstances with which They imply that they are economically needy, when it is totally false.“. In this sense, he stressed that his client did not lend her body out of economic necessity and stated that she did so “because he likes to bring children into the world“.
In turn, he explained the other two points of his defense: “Privacy and data protection have also been violated because the data [de la madre gestante] have been exposed to the media. The third problem you can complain about is that there is a confidentiality agreement. We do not know how and in what way certain data have been obtained.“.
In this sense, Hernández added: “The publication of the magazine establishes that the information was obtained through a judicial resolution in the United States, but It is very rare that certain issues are determined, such as the amounts charged and other issues that cannot be included in a judicial resolution.“.
At the same time, he made it clear that his client's demand “It is not against Ana Obregón, at all”: “What you are asking the magazine to do is retract some of the statements it has made.” The surrogate mother also requests an inmenization. The lawyer also warned that a possible agreement between both parties would be complicated: “Normally these cases end up in court”.
Ana Sandra
Ana Obregón turned to the womb of another woman in Miami, where surrogacy is legal unlike in Spain. Through financial compensation, she managed to fulfill, according to her, the last will of her son three years after young Aless died at just 27 years old. As she explained, she turned to preserved semen samples that Aless left in New York during his illness.

Alessandro Lequio, for his part, has never confirmed that his son's last wish was to have offspring after death. The Italian count did not attend the little girl's baptism, held this Sunday in the same parish where Aless's sad funeral took place on June 30, 2020, despite the presenter's insistence in public. The tension between the two has been evident in recent months. “A 7-month-old baby has no capacity to want to meet someone,” the talk show host reminded her in October when the actress once again insisted that Ana Sandra was looking forward to meeting him.