Ana Rosa Quintana exposes Pedro Sánchez: “He lied to us, he knew that his wife was under investigation before publishing the famous letter”

New joke from the presenter for the leader of Moncloa. This Wednesday, Ana Rosa Quintana has dedicated his famous editorial to Pedro Sanchez and the controversy with his wife. It is the new of the day: Begoña Gomez, investigated for an alleged crime of corruption and influence peddling. A fact that the communicator considers extremely serious: “They had never, ever investigated the wife of a president of the Government”.

With a very serious face, Quintana has assured that Sánchez and his team have brought out again “his mud machine” this Wednesday in the Congress of Deputies, where they have repeated the term up to 13 times. While the president continues to “believe in Justice”, Ana Rosa points out: “There are already three judicial bodies that see evidence in the president’s wife: the judge of First Instance, the European prosecutor’s office and now the Court of Madrid, which points with the complaint that objective evidence is provided that points to intermediation in the granting of subsidies”.

The presenter has accused the president of being a ‘liar’ and has criticized his tremendous hypocrisy: “Today, May 29, we found out that Sánchez knew days before writing the love letter in which he announced his possible resignation that the judge had already declared his wife under investigation. He withheld information from us. Is there a greater shame than not being transparent? with the citizens?”.

Finally, the former ‘queen of the mornings’ of Mediaset sends some advice to Pedro Sánchez: “Mr. President, relax, because investigated does not mean prosecuted or prosecuted, there are thousands of people under investigation. Of course, in the words of Sánchez himself ‘ “not even a thousand shovelfuls of mud are going to cover the mouths of the media.”
