Ana Obregón’s overwhelming message to celebrate Anita’s 7th birthday: “Aless, we celebrate with you”

This October 20 marks seven months since the birth by surrogacy in Miami of Ana Sandrathe granddaughter of Ana Garcia Obregon. The actress, presenter and biologist has published an overwhelming post on Instagram for this special date, although full of sadness for the death of Aless Lequio on May 13, 2020 for Ewing sarcoma.

“My Aless: there are only two important days in my life. The day you were born because that day you gave me life, although then on May 13, 2020 I died with you. And the day your daughter was born on March 20, 2023 because that day I lived again,” Obregón wrote at the beginning of his post.

Along with a new carousel of photographs of the little girl, he added: “Today it has been seven months since I smiled again and I pamper her every second with all the love that you would give her. You live every second in our hearts. Today we will celebrate her 7 months with you. Anita and I love you forever.” In the images, the protagonist of Ana and 7 He appears with the little girl, both very smiling in the living room of their house in La Moraleja.

Anita was born on March 20 through surrogacy in Miami, where this method is legal. According to Ana, she used the semen of her son who died more than three years ago to fulfill her last wish. Throughout these months, the actress has been criticized for the practice she used to bring the girl into the world, for her age to become a mother-grandmother (68) and for the public exposure she has made of the little girl in magazines. and social networks. At this Tuesday’s event, she confirmed that the girl’s baptism will take place in December.