Twenty-four hours have passed since Ana Obregon broke his silence after five days in the shadows to back down about the donations he promised to allocate to the Aless Lequio Foundation and that, to date, have not been made effective. The actress has been ensuring for two years, white and black, that all the money from her work would be given to the foundation, but this Thursday she rectified: “I'm not going to donate the money from my exclusives because I have a mouth to feed.” He also admitted to having received an editorial advance for the book. The Shrew Boy but he also did not want to explain where that money is (a range of between 100,000 and 200,000 euros). After her 19-minute split on the Sonsoles program, Ana Obregón and the presenter herself considered all doubts “clarified.” However, the rest of the classmates do not agree with them.
This Friday, the program Alfonso Arús He has been one of the first to comment on Ana Obregón's statements. “To say that Lequio said what he said was to have a larger audience is hardly credible.”. The Aruser@s presenter added: “Lequio's criticism of Ana Obregón is based on some specific facts, which will later be seen if they are true or not, but I think that of Ana Obregón is poorly supported. “Lequio has a very well-earned place in his program, he does not need, because he has not done so, to enter into those types of circumstances because he has remained on the sidelines for many months.”
“What he said was of no use”
In the same line, the colleagues of Public mirror. Gema LopezIn particular, she was quite upset with Ana Obregón's insinuations that no journalist had verified the news: “Yesterday, Ana accused us of not having done our homework properly. I think that this program was responsible for all the telephone calls that needed to be answered. We tried to speak with the foundation, with the lawyer and with Ana. Yesterday she said that the money she had donated from the exclusives, she had first received, then she had paid to the treasury and with what was left she had given it to the foundation. Luis Pliego writes to me and tells me: 'When the money from an exclusive is donated, it goes directly to the foundation, the character does not have to pay the treasury, the magazines prefer it that way because we deduct 25 percent of the amount.' Since Ana asks us for rigor, what I try to do is have rigor, Ana.”
His partner, Pilar Vidaladded: “What she said was of no use to me. I think she is no longer able to give yesterday's speech, I think she has to offer certain data for the transparency of her foundation.”. The journalist added: “He is at a time when it is better for him not to speak.”

From We'll seethe program you work on Alessandro Lequio (who was not there this Friday), they have disgraced the fact that Ana Obregón taunted her ex by remembering that she was the one who paid for Aless's treatment in the United States, “even her funeral,” she said. The Italian count's colleagues have stood up for him: “It seems ugly to me to get into those topics. I think the war is getting out of hand, they are very ugly topics and they should stop,” he said. Adriana Dorronsoro.
For its part, Antonio Rossi has been blunt with Obregón's explanations: “There were missing questions here. Yesterday Ana said that she had made income and she said she had shown it to the people who wanted to send the income, either there is income or there is not. One lies. And in the registry It says that there is no income, it means that there is none. This I say one thing and now I clarify, the problem is that it is in writing. Entirely, it is not in pieces. He can change his mind, but he does so when he is caught with the ice cream cart. The advance is not at all clear. This thing about donating after having paid taxes is very rare, the normal thing is that the magazine donates it directly, you don't receive it, you pay taxes, unless you are paying taxes for a company and want to have benefits for having donated. The problem is that she responded to what we brought out here, to herself, by refusing.”

Isabel Rabago He added: “I wouldn't have clarified if this hadn't come out, the only one who is muddying the name of the Aless Lequio Foundation is Ana. Ana is messing up and mixing her image with the foundation. He even said that he had not received the advance payment for the book and then he had to admit that he had received it.”
“I'm still at the same point. Ana, where is the money?”
“He wants to mislead us.” This is how blunt it has been Carmen Borrego about the statements of Ana Obregón. From This is lifeMaría Teresa Campos' daughter assures: “Ana is free to change her mind as many times as she wants, but she must explain it.”
Antonio Montero has been the hardest at this table: “For me this is the end of the foundation, the most important thing in a foundation is trust and it has been lost. The best thing they could do is take the four million and give it to someone who heals cancer”. The journalist assures: “She lives in her fantasy. Why does he say that now it's all for the girl and maybe in ten years, the girl says mom, haven't you given it to me? It took an emotional toll on Lequio, he is a touched person, and now he takes advantage of this situation to attack Lequio as a father…”.
The evening presenter has also thrown some taunts at the actress: ““You can't always go with that victimization, if you create a foundation for these things everything has to be crystal clear,” has said César Muñoz And, like Gema López, she clarified that they had also tried to contact her without success. The 'zasca' (for Ana and even for Sonsoles Ónega) has been heard in China: “We have called her a lot and she has even gone so far as to block us. Of course we were going to ask you everything, not just some questions.”

“I feel disappointed”
The icing on the cake has been Leticia Requejo. Outraged, the journalist TardeAR has attacked Obregón without mincing words: “Once you have committed for two years that all the copyrights of the book, of the collaborations, go to the foundation, they should already be in the foundation. She herself is getting his son's name dirty. I'm still at the same starting point, where is the money?”
For its part, Marisa Martínez Blázquez has clarified a new point about the editorial advance of The Shrew Boy which, let us remember, Ana herself has admitted to having received money even though she denied it a few days ago: “This advance on account is part of the copyright. When she says 'I will donate the copyright' she would have to, in essence, donate this advance on account because that is already copyright”. What Miguel Ángel Nicolás He added: “He did not sign it before a notary, but the notaries are the ones who bought the book, read the magazine or watched television thinking that in this way they were contributing to the work of the foundation. The commitment is even greater. “If I buy the book thinking that the money goes to the foundation and the money doesn't arrive, I will feel disappointed.”