Ana Obregón unites Vox and Podemos: this is how extremes see surrogacy

Since this Wednesday, March 29, when we woke up with the cover of Ana Obregon Leaving with her daughter by surrogate in her arms, there is no talk of anything else. The issue transcends the gossip, it has reached the Congress of Deputies and has reopened the debate on the morality of surrogacy, an illegal method of parenthood in our country.

Read alsoAna Obregón, two weeks before becoming a mother by surrogacy: “I’m already dead, I don’t feel anything”

Even parties as ideologically opposed as Unidas Podemos and Vox agree on their position. Irene Monterothe Minister of Equality, already said in the corridor of Congress about the motherhood of the actress: “It is a practice that is not legal in Spain. The new law on Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights recognizes it as a form of violence against women “.

He urged all the media to remember that this practice is illegal. “That they do not forget the women behind it. There is a clear discrimination bias due to poverty and, above all, that they do not forget the reality of those precarious women in a situation of risk of poverty.”

Lilith VerstryngeSecretary of State for the 2030 Agenda and organization secretary of Podemos, also said in La 1: “We have always been very clear about our position on surrogacy. Obviously it is a practice that is not allowed in our country, and it is also so recognizes the recent abortion law”.

“We believe that, in the same way that you have to have empathy for those people who want to have children, babies, and cannot have it, let’s say biologically, it is evident that there are other practices and that you also have to have empathy with women who They are on the other side of that surrogate pregnancy,” he added bluntly.

To these positions and others of members of Unidas Podemos was added that of the party of Santiago Abascal. Although initially the spokesman Ivan Espinosa de los Monteros It was not at all clear (“We do not have a position on surrogate pregnancy in 68-year-old mothers. We do not have a position taken on the matter”), then the far-right party rejected surrogacy in a statement and called for measures to prevent legalization “de facto” of this practice.

Read also: Ana and the 7 key points to understand a little more about surrogate motherhood in Obregón

On the part of PSOE and Ciudadanos, the former continued with their position of totally rejecting this method. The oranges, going against the general social rejection, claim to legalize it in our country as long as the surrogate ‘lends’ her body altruistically. Begoña Villacís’s message in this regard generated a great impact.

Ana Obregón broke her silence after the repercussion achieved in the country by her decision to become a surrogate mother in Miami at the age of 68: “They caught us! A light full of love came to my darkness. I will never be alone again “, he wrote on Instagram.