Ana Obregón talks about the day she was detained in the United States for prostitution

Ana Obregon went this Saturday to the set of The Great Confusion where, among other things, she told one of the most curious anecdotes of her life: the day she was arrested in the United States for prostitution.

Also read: Ana Obregón congratulates Queen Sofía with does she pull Letizia?: “We will remember your humanitarian work more than your outfits”

At the look of surprise Xavier Sardàthe actress explained what that moment was like: “I was in Los Angeles filming the Team A and my representative calls me and tells me that Tom Cruise is going to shoot a movie and he wanted an actress without an accent, that he didn’t care if she was from Italy, from Spain… The role was that of a prostitute”.

“I went to the test and they said that I was a very good actress but that I was sophisticated. I asked to repeat the test and I spent a week without showering and preparing myself not to be sophisticated,” she explained.

The presenter also wanted that character so much that “I arrived half an hour earlier on the day of the test.” What I didn’t expect was that during the waiting time I would end up in detention: “I saw that a police car was following me. It stopped and told me ‘you can’t work here’. I told him that I was an actress and that I was going to a casting but they put me in the car. I ended up at the Beverly Hills police station and there I called my representative. On top of that, they didn’t give me the role!”

Ana does not lose her smile despite having some very difficult years. After the death of his son Aless Lequio and his mother, in 2020 and 2021 respectively, Obregón faced the death of his father last September at the age of 96. A hard loss that left the biologist devastated. However, the strength that characterizes her has made her return to her work commitments.