Ana Obregón regrets not being able to go to Elena Huelva’s funeral home “due to Covid”: “I’m sorry I can’t be there”

Ana Obregón cried on networks this Tuesday the loss of Elena Huelva, who died after suffering from Ewing’s sarcoma since 2016, the same type of cancer suffered by the actress’s son, Aless Lequio. “Having you in my life and loving you has been the best thing that has happened to me in 2022,” the presenter wrote.

A day later, he has revealed that he has not been able to attend his last goodbye in Seville due to Covid-19: “I also need to hug you Emi”, he has written to the sister of the missing influencer. “I’m sorry I’m not here today because of Covid. Hug your parents for me. With love. As Elena taught us.”

It must be remembered that Ana was already infected with Covid-19 at the end of 2021, which is why that year she could not give the Campanadas de TVE from Puerta del Sol. This year she was infected just a few days after saying goodbye to the year in the public entity together with Los Morancos.

For a few months, the presenter was very close to Elena. Huelva has become a popular face on social networks in recent years for making visible the disease that he was diagnosed with in 2016, Ewing’s sarcoma. This is a rare type of cancer that forms in the bone or in the soft tissue around it. In 2022 she published the book My desires win. No one has promised us a tomorrow, live in the present.