“Ana Obregón has sold a life and destroyed a girl’s privacy,” according to Javier Urra

Former child advocate Javier Urra is blunt when analyzing the ‘Obregon case’. “Everything revolves around ‘it makes me happy’ and ‘it gives me a reason to live'”, comments the forensic psychologist for Minors: “This explanation is useless for the present and the future for a girl”, he explains about the words of Ana Obregon about the reasons that led her to become a grandmother by fertilizing an embryo from an anonymous donor implanted in the womb of a pregnant woman, hired for that purpose, with the semen preserved from Aless Lequiodied three years ago.

“Your son’s request, assuming it is true, goes against the law, therefore it cannot and should not be fulfilled,” the expert adds with clear forcefulness. “Is that girl going to interpret it in the future as an act of love or as an act of selfishness?” he wonders. “Is she going to meet her father or at least the mother who had her in her womb?”, he wonders. “Human beings are advancing a lot, but not everything that can now be done should be done,” Urra says.

Also read: Ana Obregón in black and white: the unusual truth of a crime story that seems like a pink chronicle

“Let’s have criteria. Of course there are grandparents who educate children due to an accident, but let’s not look for excuses. What he has done is wrong, frankly wrong, from a legal and ethical point of view. Privacy, dignity, honor of a child it is essential to preserve them,” he says. In addition to such forceful opinions, the former Ombudsman for Minors recalls that the very Ana Garcia Obregon He went to see him years ago, when his son Aless and asked him for help to preserve his privacy: “I was surprised that now Ana Obregón appears with the girl on the covers, it does not seem coherent to me,” he concludes.

Javier Urra He is considered an authority on issues related to minors. Professor of Ethics and Deontology, he is a frequent guest on various television programs. As a forensic psychologist, he has carried out his work in the Prosecutor’s Office of the Superior Court of Justice and Juvenile Courts of Madrid since 1985 and was the Ombudsman for minors.