Ana Obregón, broken on the third anniversary of Aless’s death: “I managed to bring your daughter into the world against everyone”

Three years have passed this Saturday, May 13, since Aless Lequio He died of Ewing’s sarcoma at just 27 years old. A loss that left his parents devastated, Alessandro Lequio y Ana Obregon. On the occasion of the anniversary of her death, the actress has reminded her with an emotional text on her social networks.

“My Boy of the Shrews: Three years without you and the tears have not dried. I still do not accept that you are not here, that fucking cancer will steal a bright future from the person with the most courage, kindness, honesty, solidarity and crazy tenderness that I have known in my life. Because no one loved life as intensely as you”, laments the biologist.

Also read: Lequio does not want to meet Ana’s daughter-granddaughter despite Obregón saying otherwise

“I still don’t accept that I can’t hug the love of my life. I still don’t accept that the person who loved me the most was ripped from me. Do you know something son? Since you left I have lived in hell, with only one reason to continue here: do everything you wanted and couldn’t. Your book is number one in sales, your Foundation is already saving lives, and I managed to bring your daughter into the world against everyone and in spite of everyone,” he continues.

However, Ana acknowledges that “nothing, absolutely nothing, appeases the immense pain of your absence. Your daughter looks at me with the same love as you, she has your smell, your gaze, and I will give her the infinite love that I have for the rest of my life.” inside exploding with emotion. Blessed be my life. My pride. My north. My gladiator. My eternal love. We are all three together forever: your daughter, your mother and you,” he concludes, making it clear that he will continue for the good of his daughter-granddaughter.

The birth of the little one Ana Sandra Lequio On March 20, due to a surrogate mother and with Aless’s frozen sperm, he opened a whole public debate in our country and even crossed the borders. Obregón is expected to return to Spain with the girl next June, after spending this season in Miami.