Jose Ortega Cano y Ana Maria Aldon they have already taken the most important step: officially, they are no longer husband and wife. After months of media storm, the bullfighter and the former greengrocer have finally signed the divorce. The small Jose Maria, who lives with his mother, is the most important thing for both of them. In recent days, the designer has been very lively on television based on ‘perreo’.
Read also – Ortega Cano, unleashed in a Church: “I’m still the king”
“The waters return to their course and, after some moments of uncertainty, the divorce has been able to be signed and they are already a divorced woman and man,” Paloma García-Pelayo has advanced this Friday in Ana Rosa’s program.

In these months that they have been separated, Ortega Cano has increased his presence at social events. He is very lively, he has attended several shows of his cantaora friend isabella moon. He was also recently at the Iglesia de San Antón in Madrid, where he even cheered up with ‘I’m still the king’.
Read also – Kiko Hernández, out of his mind against Gloria Camila and Ortega Cano: “You have a lot to keep quiet about, disgusting”
Ana María, for her part, continues to collaborate in Fiesta, where he talks about his affairs and those of others. Also in discussions of the island of temptationswhere this Wednesday, in fact, he surprised viewers with a dog to Kiko Matamoros.
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#TemptationsDBT1– MaryGH2 (@Mary202085797) January 24, 2023
On the other hand, Aldón acquired a house valued at 250,000 euros a few months ago in the province of Guadalajara, just an hour’s drive from Madrid. Another positive point is that the house is only 20 minutes from the child’s school by car.