isabella moon y Ana Maria Aldon They have signed peace after the tense face to face that they lived on the set of Fiesta some days ago. The ex-wife of Ortega Cano He assured that in the ten years that he was with the bullfighter he had never mentioned the cantaora to him.
Also read: Ana María, broken into tears after hearing Ortega Cano slam the door: “Do not speak or I will go to court”
“You will forgive me, but you are not a friend of many years, because my husband in ten years has not spoken to me once about you and from what I understand now you see each other a lot and text each other because I know,” said the exfrutera

Taking advantage of a call that the singer made this Sunday to the Telecinco program, Ana María wanted to apologize for her words: “I only said that your husband’s name did ring a bell and that he had not spoken to me about you. But that does not mean that you don’t have that friendship because I don’t doubt it”.
“As you well say, I have only been with him for ten years of his life, not his entire life. And if there is something that has bothered you, I apologize because it was not my intention. I want my apology to serve from the heart because I have absolutely nothing against you. On the contrary, I’m delighted that he goes out and enjoys himself with his friends,” added Gema Aldón’s mother.
Then, Luna has reminded her that she does not need to be “in this story” because she is dedicated to music and has been singing “since she was 18 years old”. Isabel has been less conciliatory with the designer: “You have a link with Ortega that I will never have and because of that link I think there are unnecessary things. I hope you find a kind conciliation between all parties and you can live from your work and I mine without the need for conflict”.
The truth is that being in the arena for being pointed out as the right-handed’s special friend has not been bad for Isabel Luna. As a source close to both told us“She wants nothing with him. He is only interested in the publicity that his show generates, being in the media every day. She is even going to be the one to inaugurate his museum. He has proposed it to her and she is delighted “.