Ana Carvajal achieves the Olympic ticket in the 10-meter springboard


The young Spanish jumper Ana Carvajal managed to get into the final of the 10-meter platform modality of the World Swimming Championships being held in Fukuoka (Japan) this Tuesday, with the added prize of qualifying for the Games 2024 Paris Olympics.

The Madrid native, born in 2006 and still in junior age, authoritatively surpassed the preliminary with 35 other participants with the ninth best score (300.55 points), and in the semifinals she raised her performance to go to the final as the tenth (313.25). thanks mainly to the quality of his third and fourth jumps.

“In the preliminary I had little pressure and I was very calm because I did not expect much, and in the semifinal I gave everything I could and I am very happy. At first I was not aware of what I had done, but now with the passing of I’m digesting it for hours and I’m really happy with what I’ve done,” said Carvajal in statements collected by the RFEN.

The one from Real Canoe NC believes that “the key” to having given this good level has been that she has trained “a lot”, that she has repeated the jumps “many times, both here and in Madrid, and that she also did not have “a lot of pressure” so she was “relaxed”.

Her joy could not be accompanied by Valeria Antolino, who, after passing the preliminary, finished fourteenth and out of the final. Later, together with Rocío Velázquez, Carlos Camacho and Alberto Arévalo, she formed a team for the final of the 3 and 10 m mixed event, with a sixth place.

Finally, in the tests of the open water day, Carlos Garach, despite the fact that there were expectations to be higher, finished twelfth in the 5 kilometers, while Guillem Pujol could only be thirty-third. In addition, in the women’s race, the young Ángela Martínez signed an excellent twelfth place, with Candela Sánchez, twenty-second.