One of the great unknowns and that she herself left on the air from Miami was if she would have more children than Aless Lequio or not. She already said that the young man who died in 2020 wanted to have five children and that she was willing to comply with her last will. This Wednesday, June 7, at the presentation of her book at the Palace in Madrid, for which some 150 media have accredited us, the presenter has finally clarified the big question.
After the national debate that was opened by the surrogate birth of Ana Sandra Lequio Obregónhis granddaughter, explained at a press conference: “It is a miracle to be able to say that I have fulfilled my son’s wish. He wanted five children. I am not going to have more. I will say it and clarify it.”

Therefore, the protagonist of Ana and the 7 He considers that with Ana Sandra he has already fulfilled: “I tell you: ‘You are the most desired girl in the world: they have desired you from eternity and from earth'”.
Ana Obregonin The boy with the shrewsassures that one of her son’s three wishes was to have children even after death and that the young man asked both her and his father, Alessandro Lequio, before he died.
However, the Italian count has not confirmed his version during these months. Far from it, his discomfort with Ana has been palpable in his interventions in Ana Rosa’s program. This same Wednesday, Lequio has exploded, while listening live to the presentation of his ex. Of the book, he has said: “For a 27-year-old boy to die is not a wonderful story, it is the worst of terrors.”

Ana, for her part, has fueled the controversy and has invited Lequio to visit her granddaughter at her home in La Moraleja, Madrid, where grandmother and granddaughter have been living since last Tuesday, May 31. Alessandro already clarified that he already had his family, made up of his wife, María Palacios, and his daughter, Ginevra Ena. The little girl was born on March 20 at Memorial Regional Hospital by surrogacy, an illegal method in our country. She came into the world two days after her grandmother’s 68th birthday and almost three years after the death of Aless Lequio, whom she lost at the age of 27 from Ewing’s sarcoma.