An emergency bearing for the storm and a night out

Change of plans on the Juan Sebastián Elcano school ship. It was planned that the XCVII instruction cruise be bored in Chile this Thursday, but a strong temporal has forced those responsible to advance their arrival on the ground to guarantee the safety of the entire crew, especially that of Leonorone of the 76 guards who travel aboard the ship.

The boat arrived at the port of Punta Arenas, in the middle of Chilean Patagonia, with the candles collected and, given the circumstances, there was no reception in port or greetings to land by the students stirring their caps, a whole classic. The truth is that all of them are exhausted, because the Strait of Magellan is a very complicated route due to adverse weather, with strong winds and currents that generate a lot of movement and stress on the ship. It must also be remembered that the princess of Asturias, like other partners, has suffered cinetosis or dizziness due to movement that has generated discomfort and vomiting.

In spite of everything, it seems that Leonor and his companions are perfectly, because they have already been seen in a place in the area, in Punta Arenas, enjoying their free time. According to Hellothe princess has been photographed by raffling the tables of a bar (decorated with mapamundis) and dressed in shelter clothes, because the temperature in Chile now ranges between 4 and 8 degrees: cowboy pants, gray jersey and a dark short coat with a scarf of blue frames and stripes. Now they will have time to rest and have fun, because they are not scheduled official activities, unlike other ports in which they have arrived.

The ship Juan Sebastián Elcano will be in Punta Arenas until next Sunday, when they will leave for the second Chilean port, Valparaíso, where they will be from April 4 to 8. The next scale will be in Lima, Peru, from April 18 to 22, before navigating to Panama, where the ship will be from May 3 to 5. They end their route through Latin America in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) and Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) before arriving in New York, where they will be between June 5 and 10.

The northern, « Bickini?

Leonor’s trip in Juan Sebastián Elcano is being an adventure for the heiress and also an inexhaustible source of information for the media, which follow every detail of the adventure that the young princess lives, which we are knowing not only her teson and dedication in the military formation that corresponds to her but her most funny and jovial face, surrounded by other kids of her age. In Salvador de Bahia, for example, he enjoyed a concert prior to the carnivals and Uruguay, of a beach day from which, they say, there are photos that could see the light in a few days: “It seems that there are some photos of Leonor in bathroom made of when he was in Uruguay with his teammates and that in palace they have not liked anything, although they have not been published,” they have said this Wednesday in the radio program Today.
