Amath Ndiaye gives Mallorca three points on the horn

Mallorca beat Girona by the minimum (1-0) thanks to a goal from Amath Ndiaye in the discount after a very close match in which the two teams showed a lot of respect for their rival.

Few surprises in the first half. The local team, led by Luis García Plaza, was the one who quickly took control of the ball, as was totally predictable. This did not make Girona suffer, solid and well positioned on the green and aware that it had to take advantage of the approaches it enjoyed.

In the offensive section, few things happened in the first forty-five minutes, in which there were transitions for both teams, but in which neither one nor the other were precise to specify the danger from three quarters of the field.

At the resumption, it was Girona who first dared to intimidate their rival, Mallorca, with a shot from Monchu, which forced Reina to intervene. The Balearic Islands were not able to overcome the defensive wall of Francisco's, who could even take the three points in a somewhat fortunate action in which Mamadou ended up finishing, but Reina was again decisive.

In the discount, and when everything pointed to a tie, Dani Rodríguez made an excellent individual move that ended with assistance to Ndiaye, so that, at pleasure, he surpassed Juan Carlos.

(+) See the summary of the match:

Data sheet:

Mallorca: Manolo Reina; Sastre (Junior Lake, min.73), Valjent, Raillo, Brián Oliván; Galarreta, Salva Sevilla (Febas, min.77); Antonio Sánchez (Mboula, min. 70), Dani Rodríguez, Amath Ndiaye; and Abdón Prats (Cardona, min.77).

Girona: Juan Carlos; Skull, Well, Bernardo, Aday; Cristoforo, Monchu, Samu Saiz (Nahuel, min.86); Sylla, Pablo Moreno (Yoel Bárcenas, min.64); and Stuani.

Goal: 1-0, min.91: Amath Ndiaye.

Referee: Muñiz Ruiz (Galician Committee). He admonished the locals Antonio Sánchez (25 '), Brian Oliván (52'), (Valjent 74 ') and the visitors Monchu (81')