the war between Amador Mohedano y Rocio Carrasco It does not calm down after the end of the second docuseries of the daughter of the greatest, where the man with a hat is left in a bad light.
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The brother of Rocio Jurado has broken out once more against his niece and against her husband, Fidel Albiac. Of course, he does not put a battery of demands because his economic situation (after spending years and years from set to set) is not for trots.

For Amador, Fidel is the hand that rocks the cradle: “He has a very good tongue and has a lot of power of conviction for some minds, certainly not for mine. Some listen to him and he is one of those who promise… See if He will have a good tongue who has forbidden my niece to talk to us…”, he pointed out on a YouTube channel.
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In this sense, he has added against him: “If I have a partner who has a smooth talk and that I like because he goes for what is legal and because he is an educated, attentive, familiar person… Well, hey, I have won the lottery. But If a person is going to turn me against my family or is going to tell me not to see my children, or not to talk to my uncles… No”.
The father of Chayo Mohedano He is very outraged after everything that has been said about him on television, precisely on the same channel where he has repeatedly sat down throughout these years to speak ill of his sister’s daughter: “If I had money, I would make demands like someone who throws cards. I have my notes and my things that, if at any time I can, I will sue them”.