This Saturday, Alvaro Falco has presided over the funeral mass in honor of his mother, Marta Chavarri, in the La Paz funeral home, located in the Madrid town of Tres Cantos. The former Marchioness of Cubas He died suddenly this Friday at the age of 62. because of a heart attack.
At Tamara’s cousin’s side, his wife has been at all times, Isabell Junot. But numerous familiar faces have also approached to offer their condolences and a hug in these difficult moments.
like this fridayThe sisters of the deceased have passed through the aforementioned funeral home, María e Isabel Chávarri, the tax inspector Antonio Gutierrez Marcet y Genoveva Fernandez Longoriawho was married to Jose Luis AlcocerCousin of Alberto Cortina, second husband of Marta Chávarri. Also Maria Zurita o Dear Lapique.
“We are very bad, this has caught us by surprise”, were Álvaro’s first words this Friday in his first appearance before the media. The Marquis de Cubas is already an orphan of father and mother, Fernando Falco He passed away in 2020 after contracting Covid.
The body of Marta Chávarri was found lifeless at her home by her housekeeper at dawn on July 21. She was 62 years old and had just become a first-time grandmother to a girl (Philippadaughter of Álvaro and Isabelle) who had a crush on her: “She is a wonderful baby”, Marta told a few weeks ago.