The French police had to charge against a hundred fans who had gathered at the gates of the Parc des Princes during the final of the Champions League that his team lost to Bayern Munich in Lisbon.

During the meeting, the grouping of followers provoked the intervention of the forces of order, because they did not respect the safety distances imposed by the authorities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the presence of the police, lFans threw objects at police patrols, which responded by launching smoke canisters.
The Interior Minister, Gérard Darmanin, considered these facts “inadmissible” through the social network Twitter. According to the data of the Police Prefecture of the capital, a few minutes after the end of the meeting, 274 fines had been imposed on people who did not wear a mask, contrary to official slogans.
Inside the stadium, PSG had organized a broadcast of the match on a giant screen reserved for 5,000 people, the maximum allowed by the French authorities due to the health crisis. The event, which was attended by some old glories of the club, went smoothly, with the attendees spread out in the stands so that safe distances could be maintained.
Thousands of people showed their disappointment on the streets of the French capital, especially on the Champs-Elysées, which had been closed to traffic in anticipation of a celebration of the Parisian team's first Champions League victory. The image contrasted with that experienced in Marseille, the city of PSG's historic rival, Olympique, where numerous fans celebrated the defeat of the capital's team.