Almudena Cid publishes the first photos with her boyfriend, Gerardo Berodia: “Thank you for making me feel summer in winter”

A year and a half after starting his relationship with Gerardo Berodia, Almudena Cid He has shared the first photographs with the former soccer player on his Instagram profile. The separation of Christian Galvez In 2021 marked a before and after in his life. She had been with the presenter for 15 years, but her breakup plunged the athlete into the abyss, as she herself has recognized throughout this time.

With Baradia, he now sees life differently: “Thank you for making me feel summer in winter”, the Vitorian woman wrote this Tuesday in her Instagram post, in which both appear very romantic on the seashore. Showing off their bodies in swimsuits, the two pose in an embrace. “How lucky we were to find each other. I love you, Almudena,” answers the former Rayo Majadahonda player.

The actress has shared these images coinciding with the imminent paternity of her ex-husband, who in a few days will become a father with Patricia Pardo, whom he secretly married in July 2022, just a few months after his separation from the former gymnast. “I didn't see it coming and I had a very bad time,” lamented the writer, broken with pain, on Antena 3.

Almudena and Gerardo, who spent this Puente de la Constitución in Andorra, met years ago at an event thanks to some mutual friends. So, both of their hearts were already busy. Some time later, now single, they met to have a drink and catch up, and then the spark arose. It wasn't part of their plans to fall in love, but they did. Following the end of her 11-year marriage to the former host of Pass word, found in him the person with whom to walk through life. How beautiful is love.