A burning chapel has been installed at the headquarters of the Madrid Film Academy to bid the last farewell to Carlos Saura this Monday. The wake began at twelve noon and several familiar faces came up to give the filmmaker’s widow and children a hug.
Among them, the manager Pedro Almodovar, the actor Nacho Guerreros or the singer massiel. As representatives of the Government, the president, Pedro Sanchezand the Minister of Culture, Miquel Iceta.

Inside the room, the coffin rests on a black altar guarded by large white flowers and candles. In addition, a band of drummers from Candala, the town where his feature film was shot Minted Peppermintaccompany the coffin with their sound.

Their children, Anna y Antonioand his widow, Eulalia RamonThey have thanked, through tears, the presence of all those who have passed by to present their condolences and have set up a signature book for all those who wish to leave a message of affection or farewell for Carlos Saura.

Last Friday, at the age of 91, the film director died of respiratory failure at his residence in Madrid. The man from Huesca received an emotional tribute at the last Goya gala, where two of his seven children and his widow came to collect the statuette of Honor and publicly say the words that he himself had prepared days before: “He asked me to give the Thanks to Elsa, her caregiver, and all the health personnel at the Collado Villalba hospital and the palliative care team, Elena and Elba. Thank you for how you have cared for him and how you have cared for us. Public Health deserves to be cared for as the health personnel take care of us. Carlos, I know you’re seeing me from wherever you are.”