Almighty Barcelona

Unmatched. Barça closes 2021 full of great individual and collective successes. At the team level, the Catalans count their victories by goals, leaving the last one last Wednesday (7-0, to Madrid CFF). With a full fifteen victories in this first leg of the League, the Catalan team shines as winter champion and intractable leader.

A level that is also transferred to other competitions, with 21 wins out of 21 possible at this start of the course, maintaining its balance almost immaculate during the last calendar year: 52 of 56 possible victories. The four punctures came with of the ties, one with PSG in the Champions League and the other with Athletic on the Super Cup, where the rojiblancas ended up winning on penalties, and two defeats against Atleti in the League and against Manchester City, also in the European competition.

Removing these four spots, Barça has walked to the rhythm of triumphs, titles (he won the treble a few months ago and wants to repeat his feat) and goals. Many goals. With 110 goals scored so far this season, Jonatan Giráldez’s are a real goal-beating machine, with an average of more than five goals per game. And also of not receiving them, being the second least thrashed team in the Champions League and having conceded only four goals in the League.

Barça, with a squad full of scorers

The level of your staff has made these record-breaking figures possible, accompanied by several individual awards: Barça dominated the last UEFA Awards with the best goalkeeper (Cloths), defender (Paredes), midfielder (Alexia) and forward (Jenni Hermoso), plus Alexia distinctions as Best Player of the Year for UEFA and Ballon d’Or.

With a star wardrobe, Barça boasts a good game and punch through almost all its players. And it is that, removing the goalkeepers (Paños, Coll and Font), only the defenses remain to be marked Mapi León and Pereira, in addition to the injured Falcón.

Without a doubt, there is no one who equals this Barça, which looks to 2022 with the aim of making it full in all competitions. It won’t be easy, but it’s not impossible either. And if this team has shown something, it is its great perseverance in achieving everything it sets out to do, with the feeling that it has much more to give.