Allegri is chosen by Real Madrid to replace ZidaneAS learned. Only the official confirmation is missing, because in the last hours, the former Italian coach of Juve has been very pressured by the clubs in his country who wanted him. Among them, precisely, the Vecchia Signora. Or even Inter or Roma. The news of Zidane's goodbye was known late last Wednesday night. By then, Madrid did not know if Allegri had given in to those pressures and had committed. Now, the white entity will launch the official mechanisms to sign Allegri, who until yesterday knew of Madrid's interest in third parties. And still, he was withholding those offers from Italian teams to fulfill his dream of training at the Bernabéu..

Allegri was the first option of Real Madrid at all times before the possibility that Zidane left the bench. Either way, the white club has wanted to be respectful until the last moment and has not established contacts in the first person until the French coach had the last word. In this sense, Allegri's attitude has been exemplary, because he has run a significant risk holding out for Zidane to say the last word.
So much so, that even yesterday the possibility that Conte would end up training Madrid gained momentum for much of the day. The ex of the Selection azzurra He left Inter against the prognosis and rumors about his arrival at the Bernabéu soared. The possibility that he will end up training Madrid is remote, only if the negotiation between Allegri and Madrid does not come to fruition. As for Allegri, his idea is to make a smooth transition. Will not arrive with a large team, as happened with Ancelotti, who brought 15 collaborators. It comes from the hand of his second, Marco Landucci, and the coach Simone Folletti. At most, three or four more collaborators.
Raúl is the other leg of the bank. Madrid was seriously evaluating the possibility that he had taken the reins of the first team. But prefer to continue to play that important role of training the players in their last step before the first team and keeping it as plan B in case Allegri goes wrong. A kind of situation similar to the one Florentino already used with Zidane.