After learning this weekend of the veto of Isabel Pantoja to his children from his funeral, Antonio Rossi has revealed new details about the singer’s last wishes. The journalist explained this Monday that the singer “has changed her will” and that she is “fed up” with Kiko Rivera e One Pantoja.
”She wants to go alone, accompanied by her brother and her very small group. “She doesn’t want tributes either, or acts, or children, or anything,” she explained a few days ago. Beatriz Cortazar about the wishes of folklore. Now, the true testament has come to light. And, as Rossi has said, “the will, what she has told, and something else is what she really has in writing.”
The communicator has said that the singer left all the details closed before her US tour: “It was a long trip and I wanted to change certain types of things. Among them, putting someone in charge of the inheritance and leaving someone for certain types of stories in case something happens on the trip.

“It is true that in his will he has improved his brother and his grandchildren. And to his children, he has made no attempt to disinherit his children at any time, he has only left them the strict inheritance,” the television face added. remembering that the tonadillera is drowning in her debts, which could affect the decisions of the influencer and the DJ.
“Currently, there are only debts. Her children would only inherit debts. The children would reject what she has because this lady right now owes a lot of money, and she is drowning in debt,” Rossi pointed out.
On the other hand, the singer has written down her wish to be cremated and has chosen the place where she wants her ashes to be distributed once she dies.