Alexis: “We have made naive mistakes; expulsion is key”

Alexis Trujillo, coach of Betis, reviewed the keys to another debacle of his team after what happened on Saturday against Levante: “If the team lowers its arms, I would worry. It would be something very dangerous. A lot of things happened in the matchWe had defensive problems that led to the penalty. It was quite avoidable. Then the game went uphill. At a minimum, the players have doubts and the game was already reduced. Another play that seemed safe ends at 0-2, then they controlled the game even though we were able to reduce the distance. If you don't take advantage of your chances … “.

Classification: “We have to do our homework ourselves. Today we made naïve mistakes that cost us a lot on the scoreboard. With one less they already had the game under control. We cannot wait for them to do their homework for us.”

Betis Shield / Flag

LaLiga Santander

* Data updated as of July 1, 2020

Locker room: “What I see is some players with great powerlessness because things do not turn out as we would like. The game soon turned in their favor. I saw that powerlessness on the faces.”

Institutional situation: “Sign a coach now? Right now what we are thinking about is recovering the players, who are the ones who have to achieve results to find peace of mind in a year that is not good. Then the appropriate decisions would be made. But first you have to solve the situation in the best possible way, then there would be analyzes of this season. “

Fekir sent off: “I think that whistling a game is very complicated, but Fekir is one of the players who receives the most fouls and then when he performs an action he always comes out damaged. Then there is talk of protecting footballers. Today we began to play more with our hearts than with the head, and that causes you to do some action that you regret later. It is decisive to keep one less. “