Alexia Putellas: “That my name appears in the award, and at the same time that of the club and that of my sport, is a source of pride”


The Spanish soccer player Alexia Putellas, captain of FC Barcelona Femení, has felt “very proud” on Tuesday at having received the Reina Letizia award as the best Spanish athlete of 2021, seeing her name “and at the same time that of the club” culé registered in the list of winners of the National Sports Awards.

“I had never received this award. I have been looking at the history of winners of the award and the truth is that it is a source of pride. This is what I feel, a lot of pride, because the best athletes in the country, previously and currently, have won the award and that my name appears, and at the same time that of the club and that of my sport, is a source of pride”, said Putellas after the ceremony at the Royal Palace of El Pardo (Madrid).

“I always say that we are going in the short term, for the next, and that what is left behind seems to be there and ‘we’ll see when we retire’. It’s like ‘let’s see what happens in 2021′”, reflected the award-winning player from Barcelona.

In addition, Putellas insisted on being “very happy to receive the award, what has been done, what I think we will do.” And she also thanked “the fans for their support at this time”, especially after her serious injury last year. “That energy is contagious and the team flies,” she added about it.

“Memories of the games last season come to me, at the Camp Nou, in which the team played very well. I hope that on the 27th at the Spotify Camp Nou that great atmosphere will also be generated, which really helps a lot, because Chelsea is a great team”, he said in reference to the semifinals of the Champions League.

“I hope to have a positive result from Stamford Bridge, but everything will be closed at the Camp Nou and we need the fans there,” he commented on a ‘semis’ tie whose first leg will be played on April 22 (1:30 p.m.) on London soil; The return, in Barcelona, ​​is scheduled for that April 27 (6:45 p.m.).