Good news in the yellow team's goal with the return to training shortly from Alex Dominguez, that this Friday passed the pertinent medical examination. Bad luck made the doorman contracted the virus eleven days ago and missed the Olympics.
Calvary is over for Catalan goalkeeper Álex Domínguez after a convulsed summer. The young footballer, 22, had the misfortune eleven days ago to cross paths with him COVID-19 in their holidays in Ibiza something that, just the same day he received the great news of being included in the Olympics from Tokyo, made him stay out of the call by jumping your positive.
Now, after having saved quarantine and give negative, is back in Gran Canaria, since last Thursday night, to get in tune with UD Las Palmas with the aim of fighting for a position they lost in the last league stage. In this way, he will share the preseason with Raúl Fernández, Álvaro Valles and the goal of the subsidiary Alfonso Liceras.

Keep in mind that the yellow team count now with three goalkeepers that, in theory, anyone could be a starter, so they must earn the position during this preparation period, since a possible transfer is not ruled out, especially in the cases of Valles or Domínguez himself.