Troubled weekend between the Italian count and the presenter, who was signing at the Madrid Book Fair amid tight security measures. And it is that after spending 48 hours exchanging hints via Instagram, Alessandro Lequio He said ‘enough’. “Our son’s great wish was that everyone, everyone, get along and I’m going to be the first to fight for that.”
It all started last Wednesday, during the presentation of The boy with the shrewsthe book that began to write Aless before she died and that her mother finished. Asked about some episodes of her story in the fight against cancer and the feelings of Alessandro Lequio, Ana Obregon He launched: “The one who was with Aless is me, so Alessandro there are things I didn’t know. All the chemos, I was alone with my son in New York for seven months, even Alessandro didn’t know that Aless was writing a book.”
Some words that stabbed into the count’s heart and that he wanted to deny by publishing two photographs with his son in New York while he was receiving treatment for cancer. “Yes, what I wanted to say by posting these is that I was in New York several times, I was there three times and in total I spent a month and a half, a long time. Then, thank God, the news got better, my son was cured, or so we thought, he returned here to Spain and the rest is history”, he explained this Monday in Ana Rosa’s program. “Our son’s great wish was that everyone, everyone, get along and I’m going to be the first to fight for that,” he concluded.

Obregón, for his part, and in the face of Lequio’s discomfort, took out the white flag on his own Instagram profile with an image of the three: “This was Aless’s favorite photo. In fact, his father’s Instagram was started by him with That photo. What Aless was most grateful for was that the doors of the house were always open so that his father was with him. I understand all the media commotion that has been created. I respect the work of the media, but I love you all say that the three of us were, are and will be together forever. For our son”.