Alejandro Sanz, “forced” to put his spectacular estate in Cáceres up for sale after being sentenced to pay 3 million

After it came to light this Saturday that the court of first instance number 47 of Madrid has sentenced Alejandro Sanz After paying three million euros for two luxury properties purchased in Miami, the singer has made a drastic decision.

He will get rid of ‘El sueño de los Parrales’, his spectacular estate located in Jarandilla de la Vera (Cáceres). according to account ABCthe sale is already in the hands of a real estate expert accustomed to working with celebrities.

This property is one of the most important pieces of the artist’s heritage in Spain. The farm has 32 hectares and has a large orchard, as well as forests of oak, fig, olive and chestnut trees. The main house is made up of two floors, with seven rooms and two separate areas for guests.

This is a very special sale for Sanz, since he experienced such special moments at the farm, such as the christening of his third son, Dylan, in 2012, at which time he also said ‘I do’ with his personal assistant, Rachel Perera. According to the aforementioned media, there are already people interested in buying it and the price is around three million euros.

The three million that they demand

It all started when the Amiga Mía singer requested several loans from the Total Bank of Florida to acquire some properties in the same American city where his friend Shakira now lives, valued at seven million dollars.

After several months making his payments to the entity, the Madrid artist “stopped paying his loans” and began, in 2019, a process of negotiations and litigation that has now ended with the sentence processed by the Madrid court. how we countSanz drags another millionaire judicial fight that “weighs on him” because he could have been deceived by one of his close friends.

His state of mind and Rachel Valdés

The last weeks in the life of Alejandro Sanz have not been easy. First, the singer revealed to his followers that he was not going through his best mental moment: “I’m not fine. I don’t know if this is of any use, but I want to say it. I’m sad and tired. In case someone else thinks that you always have to be a sea ​​breeze or a firework on a summer night. I’m working to make it go away… I’ll get to the stage and something inside will tell me what to do. But sometimes I don’t even want to be there. Literally. Just to be honest. For not going into useless noise. I know there are people who feel that way. If it works for you, I feel the same.”

Later, his breakup with Rachel Valdes after four years together. For whom, by the way, she asked for respect. “I want to make it clear that Rachel Valdés is an incredible woman whom I love, admire and of whom I can only say good things. My state of mind has nothing to do with her,” he wrote. “I ask for respect for her and hers, her work.”
