Alejandro, María Jiménez's son, tells how he experienced his mother's death: “It's time to sleep”

Alejandro Jimenez has sat on 'Friday!' and he offered an interview talking about what his life has been like being the son of one of the greats, Maria Jimenez. Very emotional when remembering his mother, he has assured that he did not have an easy childhood, but he was happy in many moments because of the admiration he has always felt for the artist and he has also treated her death as he had never done before.

Regarding his mother's marriage to his father, Pepe Sancho, Alejandro commented that both “had two very strong characters and a very busy life” and that, as in any relationship “there were very good moments between them and a lot of complicity”, however the death of the singer's first daughter marked a before and after in her life… and also in her relationship.

From then on, the arguments and mistreatment that the artist began to receive from her husband were common and Alejandro witnessed all of this. He himself experienced how her father slashed María's face and she, to defend herself against her, pointed a gun at him.

“I have lived with that shot for years until I told it. I was 7 or 8 years old there. Nobody pays attention to you there. Before pulling the trigger I already ran away because the inevitable was going to happen. I jumped over the fence and ran. “I heard the shot from the golf course. I ran like a demon,” confessed the interviewee.

A stormy marriage for the singer who often vented her frustrations with her son: “My mother told me: 'If I had wanted to kill him I would have killed him, but I am not a murderer.'”

Alejandro also talked about the artist's worst period, when “lung cancer arrived two years ago, which is when she started to see the wolf's ears.” This 2023, he spent the entire summer in Chipiona with her and seemed to be fine, but however, four days after separating from her, the singer's son receives a call from her that he will never forget.

“Mom, it's bedtime.”

They called him to tell him that his mother had gotten worse and that she had to be sedated. It was at that moment that she approached her house and said, “Mom, it's bedtime.” “I don't know if she realized it or not, but…” Alejandro reflected.

Very emotional and unable to hold back his tears, the son of the remembered 'It's over' singer assured that after his mother's death “you realize that when your mother is not there you are alone in the world. She was proud and happy. And he left knowing that everything was more or less on track.”