Alejandra Rubio, the first Holy Week in Malaga without Teresa Campos: she will ask the Captive Christ for “health” for her grandmother

“It is time for my grandmother to be calm, so we will enjoy Easter, but in a different way.” This is how Alejandra Rubio told how she was going to live these days the expected processions of her in her beloved Malaga. Terelu Campos’s daughter reveals that she will ask her Captive Christ, of whom they are faithful, “cheers” for her grandmother. Withdrawn from public life for months, the 81-year-old veteran presenter is going through a difficult moment of health. Her daughters, Carmen and Terelu, are devoted to her.

It was precisely Terelu Campos who a few days ago confessed her sadness and nostalgia for the absence of her mother this year in Malaga. She did it through the magazine Lectures. The presenter missed that these beloved days were not going to live the tradition rooted in her family of enjoying the processions together. Carmen Borrego also expressed herself: “We will miss her, but we do not believe that she is not there because as long as my mother is there, we are happy. She is fine, she is where she has to be, at home, resting and disconnected,” she assured Europe Press.