It is not a secret that public figures are victims of fake news or fake news constantly. Especially in the internet age where hoaxes spread very quickly, since they are not only disseminated in written media, they can also occur in audiovisual formats such as images or videos.
Also read: The good reasons why Teresa Campos’s daughters keep her almost isolated: “She forgets to drink”
This has happened to Alexandra Rubio recently. “I have seen myself in a video where they told false news about me, but quite serious news… it said: ‘Alejandra Rubio, victim of a rape'”.
The confession of the daughter of Terelu Campos left all the collaborators of Fiesta stunned this Sunday. “I believe that these things should not be allowed and measures must be taken because we are public figures,” defended the granddaughter of Maria Teresa.

But the 22-year-old has not been the only one who has been involved in an unpleasant situation. Precisely because they are known, alexia rivas He revealed that he receives threats almost daily on his social networks: “A week ago I was at Mediaset, in makeup, and a person wrote to me ‘I will finish you off and you will see me face to face'”. “I told him ‘I’m going to report you to the police’ and he told me ‘don’t worry, I’ll be faster than the police,” added the journalist with a broken voice.