Alberto Moreno: “We have a lot of confidence and we are going to enjoy it”


The Villarreal CF player, Alberto Moreno, assured at a press conference prior to the first leg of the Champions League round of 16 against Juventus at the Estadio de la Cerámica that they are “very confident” and enthusiastic and “prepared ” to meet the challenge and be able to “enjoy” the ‘Champions’.

“In these last two months we have suffered many casualties and we have known how to compete. Despite the casualties, whoever is on the pitch will give everything and it will surely be their best game, or at least they will try. We are very confident, the team is involved and concentrated and we are going to enjoy this wonderful competition”, he assured at a press conference.

Moreno, in this sense, made it very clear that the goal is to play well and “enjoy.” “In the end, this tie is to enjoy. It’s a match that every player would like to play, it’s a Juventus team that is a great player in Europe that always opts for Serie A and ‘Champions’. We’re going to enjoy the tie, we arrive at a good time and good dynamics and gives us confidence,” he acknowledged.

“The team has been improving many aspects in which we were weak, at the beginning of the League many points escaped us. But in recent months the team has improved, we know how to suffer, we create a lot up front and in the end that gives you results. We are with a lot of confidence, everyone who comes out gives one hundred percent and it’s important,” he deepened.

In addition, it is very important to play first at home. “I don’t have to make any appeals because the fans are always with us. And we have to play our game, be focused, because they have very good players who can decide a game. We’ll have to be focused and want to win more than them, and we are in a good moment for it”, was sincere.

“We are going to go out and win. There will be times when we suffer, but the team knows how to do it and we know how to defend ourselves well and play our game. We like to control the game, we play at home and we have to play Juventus one on one, knowing which is a big one. But we’ve faced big ones before and we’ve stood up to them. We’re ready to face Juventus”, stressed the ‘Yellow Submarine’ defender.

On a personal level, he was happy with his contribution to the team. “I’m playing a little later, I’m very comfortable and giving the coach things that he likes. I want to play wherever, where the coach sees me, and I’m ready. Like all the players on the squad. We’re going to give everything to get victory,” he claimed.