Albacete likes it against Alcoyano

Albacete is still a cyclone in Belmonte and this Saturday he has once again achieved a new victory in his stadium by imposing with authority by two goals to zero at Alcoyano.

The first chance of the match was for the home team in minute 10 with a beautiful header by Dani González that went to the goalpost of José Juan and finally a defense of Alcoyano He took off for a corner when the ball was pacing the goal line.

Alcoyano’s response was immediate and in minute 13, Jona launched a shot over the La Mancha goal and later at minute 26, Bernabé made a great save after a shot from Gaspar.

After passing through changing rooms, Albacete was ahead on the scoreboard when Rubén Martínez took advantage of a cross from the left wing to beat José Juan underneath.

The Albacete I was looking for the goal of tranquility and Sergi García after a great personal move was close to increasing the advantage but his shot was answered by a great save on the part of Jose Juan.

The La Mancha team went to more in the meeting and Fuster in minute 77 sentenced the crash by transforming a penalty.

Even the white team could score the third goal but José Juan with a great save, avoided the goal after a launch by Montes from the front of the area

With this triumph, Albacete sleeps co-leader awaiting the results of the rest of their direct rivals Meanwhile he Alcoyano slows down his good condition as a visitor.