In the middle of a hurricane because of his mess with Jorge Perez, Alba Carrillo He continued with his professional obligations and also with another series of responsibilities that he has behind the scenes. This Christmas, the model not only works and takes care of her son, the little one Lucas of 11 years, but also digs elbows.
Read also: Jorge Pérez and Alicia Peña “separate their judicial strategies” after hitting rock bottom
You have to remember that he studies Criminology, his other great passion, at UNED and that the exams are just around the corner. The ex of Fonsi Nieto and Feliciano López has shared on Instagram several of the books that she is brooding, related to the subject of Law: “Not everything is going to be eating …”, she has written.

Some knowledge that can also be valid in the legal battle that Jorge could undertake against her. As she already explained Informaliathe winner of survivors prepares a lawsuit in which, according to his close environment, “it will not only be against Alba and against Marta [López]. It will also include other collaborators and some program”.
Read also – Alba Carrillo reveals that she has been in jail: “I know how to hide a corpse”
Ever since he got involved with his program partner at the Unicorn Content party, his name and that of the former civil guard, married with four children, is on everyone’s lips. In garlic she is also involved martha lopez, since part of the night was spent at the house of the former big sister. Meanwhile, Jorge and his wife, Alice PenaThey continue with their marriage. They have already reappeared on social networks, showing hope for what is to come.