Alba Carrillo changes her speech: from the donation to crying for losing Mediaset’s large income

After all the tidal wave caused by his controversial statements against Mediaset, airing not a few dirty laundry from the chain, Alba Carrillo He has reappeared from his Instagram to thank all the love he received from his followers.

“I have spoken from the truth and I have said things as they are. There is no more” he explained, and has returned to the charge denouncing again the “unfair” way in which he was fired at Telecinco, which is why has taken the matter to court of the labor “The one who has been treated badly, the one who does not have the right to unemployment, the one who has not had a company certificate, the one who has not had a dismissal letter, is me”, she has shouted on the network.

But the model seems to contradict herself. Although during his controversial direct on the Internet he spoke that Mediaset only paid him a donation, now he complains about the economic consequences that this dismissal has had for his personal life and economy.

In his closing argument, Feliciano Lopez’s ex He has even recognized that the situation causes him such uneasiness that it leads him to continuous crying: “I have been crying for a little while a day since March 31, the day they fired me and threw me out like a dog,” he recounted without being able to hide his discomfort. “As the one who has suffered all this is me, I am the one who says it and it seems very to those who do not like it, but you are not here in my house every day and you do not know my situation, so I do not shut up in front of anyone” .
