Aitor Elizegi thanks his managers

Elizegi and its directors have no intention of resigning at the head of Athletic despite the blow they took at the Assembly of Compromisary Members last Sunday. Unlike. All of them, in the words of the president himself, are prepared to take on the new and complicated challenge of carrying out the three items on the agenda rejected by the voters (closing of last fiscal year, approval of this season's budget and animation).

“I have given thanks for the feeling of unity, calm, responsibility and calm. My managers transmitted the club to me, they transmitted Athletic to me. Putting the club ahead of your interests. Everybody said Athletic first, Athletic second and Athletic third, ”the emotional confessed himself Elizegi.

He did not want to give names in this regard, but the truth is that the head of the Ibaigane entity was also grateful for the institutional support, in his own words, received after transcending the assembly's rejection of his triple proposal. Elizegi He is not the first president to have the accounts knocked down. TO Get on and Macua they did it too. The first of them, with the same proposal for a 22% increase in quotas, they gave the yes weeks after having voted no in the first instance. This type of meeting, oddly enough, you have to know how to simmer it.

The problem, one of the problems at least of Elizegi, is that his speech is dispersed. The message is rarely specified. Many, on the other hand, the content and the substance of it are lost amid disjointed ideas, jumps from one subject to another and philosophical nuances that are difficult to understand.

Sometimes, in any case, it is also advisable to lower the ball to the ground: “Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of the club. If you show up with 37 million in the red it's hard to make a defense. The partner had never asked for help of that size. There is no experience, we had no where to lean on, there is no history. We are going with 37 million losses, 100% COVID, we are asking for extraordinary help from the partner and at the same time we ask for effort and responsibility from the staff ”.

The situation is what it is, although critics of Elizegi maintain that the total losses recorded over the last year are not attributable to the current pandemic. Something that, by the way, should also be demonstrated.

The current heads of Athletic, by the way, gave up a good injection of income via the Cup and possible European participation by giving up playing last season's final against Real behind closed doors. Nobody then raised their voice to protest this income waiver. Resignation that would have served, among other things, to alleviate the current deficit.