Ágatha Ruíz de la Prada and Pedro J. are going to be grandparents: their son Tristán is expecting a baby

Good news for Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada y Peter J.. The designer, who had never hidden her desire to become a grandmother while she is still immersed in the world of fashion, received the long-awaited news at the end of this summer: her son Tristán (36) is going to have a baby.

“I really want to be a grandmother, but they have very little desire. Young people don’t have the desire. I really wanted to have children. I have really enjoyed mine and everything that is the children’s world“, acknowledged the designer a few months ago in an interview.

This Saturday, the tables have turned and Ágatha can now say that she is going to be a grandmother. Although the designer was already aware of the big news, she made it public this Saturday, October 14, through the newspaper ABC. “Tristán, who is the man of my life, had never told me about his desire to be his father. And now I found out four months later. I’m going to be a grandmother by surprise,” he acknowledged.

Likewise, the aforementioned newspaper has assured that the sex of the baby is still unknown. However, the designer, who does not forget that the most important thing is that the newborn enters the world healthy, would like it to be a girl.

Tristan, the baby’s father

Although Tristán remains linked to his mother’s brand, he chooses not to position himself near the eccentricity of the spotlight. So much so in his distancing from the media, that he has not yet commented on the aforementioned news.