A “very special” match awaits Mikel Rico next season

Joy broke out in The Alcoraz on Friday once the Huesca certified his promotion to First. It was a “rare” sensation, without people in the stands to accompany the celebration on the pitch. “It is the rarest celebration that we will have in our career, but the important thing is that next year we are in First. We have achieved something very complicated. Go down and with a humble group, go back to ascend the following year, it is not easy “, sentenced Mikel Rico in the program 'The Transistor ’of Onda Cero.

An award that tastes “glory”, as it ended up in Huesca after “a couple of years, especially the last one, with very few minutes, with injuries”. The return to Huesca lands revitalized that of Arrigorriaga: “He Huesca it gave me again the opportunity to play, to get excited, to motivate myself. I have had all the confidence of the coaching staff from the first day. It has been an incredible year. ”

rich You already have an appointment marked in red on the calendar of the next course. The return to Bilbao to measure yourself to a Athletic in which he played for six seasons. “Hopefully. I have a one year contract that I hope to fulfill and enjoy. And if I am sportingly successful and I'm fine, I will have to go San Mamés. It will be a very, very, very special game, ”said the midfielder.

Two of the clubs in his life. “I have played football all my life to play in the Athletic, it has been the dream of my life, what has excited me. But when you get out of there you say y what next? ’I need to get motivated and excited and I could only do that in the Huesca. It is a club to which I owe a lot, a city that has treated me incredible. If I hadn't come to Huesca maybe I would have left it “, he explained rich.

Not a rookie as far as promotions go First refers, he also enjoyed it with the Pomegranate. An award that holds a special magic to the rest of successes in football: “I have been fortunate to play finals of CupI have won a Super Cup, I have played Champions… but a promotion is different from everything. It can change the history of a club, it is an incredible illusion for the whole city, it changes many players who get into First division