A look for every Christmas event: transparencies, satin and a lot of glamor

The expert in styling and personal image consulting, Piluka de Echegaray, guides us on the many Christmas events that we will have to face in the coming weeks. Keys, requirements, steps to follow and tips to achieve a ten in style at the company Christmas dinner, with friends, on Christmas Eve and much more. Take note!

BUSINESS CHRISTMAS DINNER: “Prudence will be your best etiquette”

“Don’t forget that even if you’re out of hours and out of the office, this is still a work event. So even if you really want to party, my recommendation is that you be as discreet as possible. Prudence will be your best etiquette.

That does not mean that you cannot surprise everyone with a different look from what they usually see you, of course that is an excellent idea, but avoiding any exaggeration as much as possible. Excessive necklines or transparencies would not be a good idea, but if you want a neckline, better on the back.

Although the occasion calls for clothing with a festive touch, we will give it in a prudent and formal way with a little sparkle, a black dress or a suit jacket. Any heel you want, the bag must be a clutch type, that always gives a festive and formal air. A large day bag will spoil any outfit, however elegant it may be.

As for fabrics, satins and silks are very welcome. Avoid jeans and casual clothes, the more elegant the better feeling you will cause. It is a moment in which you will make yourself known outside of the professional environment, but it is still part of the job.”

CHRISTMAS DINNER WITH FRIENDS: “Take the opportunity to give everything”

“The first point to take into account will be the place where it will take place, since it is usually informal places with atmosphere. So if that is your case, take the opportunity to give it your all. It is the best opportunity to show your side more sexy and daring.If you don’t do it when you go to dinner or a party with friends, when will you?

Here excesses are more than allowed. Transparencies, necklines both in front and in the back, mini-dresses, colors, glitter, heels, extreme makeup. Everything you want and will make you feel great.

Sometimes, if we don’t have much time to choose our look, the resource of putting a very showy piece on top of a basic look always works. They can be very striking earrings, shoes, a bag, a necklace, a coat or a sequined jacket. That special piece will make the whole look special.”

CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER: “The greatest respect, education and detail should be with your family”

“Because it’s night, we’ll give it a point of glamour, wherever we celebrate it. It’s usually a more familiar dinner and it’s usually done at home, but we shouldn’t downplay it for that reason. I suggest dressing as if you were attending an important dinner in any place, because at home, with your loved ones, is when you should have more detail. Sometimes there is a bad habit of not giving importance to family ceremonies and more if they are at home, and it should be the other way around As my father used to say, the greatest respect, education and detail should be with yours.

So my proposal is to dress up for a party, with glitter, silks and elegant fabrics. It is a night to show it off and how you are dressed will also decorate the table. Little sense has a very elegant table with a casual outfit. In this way, velvet is one of my favorite fabrics, because in addition to being warm it is super elegant. At night I am more of vibrant and dark colors. A good black pants with an elegant blouse is a basic that will never fail you”.

CHRISTMAS DAY: “Where you celebrate it, along with family traditions, will be what will mark the etiquette of this celebration”

“As for the Christmas meal, it does not matter if it is at home or away or with the in-laws. It is a celebration and requires appropriate clothing for it. Of course, if it is at the home of the in-laws, try not to clash, find out how they usually dress for that celebration and don’t go much less, or much more.

The colors red, green, purple and black will be the most appropriate. Although that does not leave other colors off the map. The sweaters in fine and soft wool, combined with basic pants and some accessory that raises the look will be ideal. As for footwear, it is appropriate to wear a little heel, although without going overboard, it is a daytime event and, therefore, much more relaxed.

Star garments: a beautiful silk blouse with elegant pants or skirt, a velvet coat and even sweaters with Christmas drawings.

If you celebrate it in the snow, in the country or in the city, along with family traditions, it will be what will mark the etiquette of this type of celebration.”

NEW YEAR’S END DINNER: “Let’s imagine our best version in festive mode”

“They say that as you finish the year, the next one begins. So, even if it is a simple superstition, I am in favor of starting it with a bang.

It is one of the most important parties of the year and in which you can dress as elegant as you want. As always, you have to take into account the place and the people with whom you will share this moment, but from there, we are going to imagine our best version in festive mode.

Choose luxurious fabrics, with glitter, sequins, gemstones, velvet, silk, transparencies, necklines, bright and elegant colors. Dizzying heels, dresses worthy of the most important gala, brightness, light, color and a party feeling, lots and lots of parties. Joy, glamor and authenticity.

The feminine tuxedo is always sexy and elegant. Always clutch type bag. Party shoes, but that allow you to dance until dawn. Good makeup and the best hair will be an important asset. Start the year with your best and most glamorous version.”

NEW YEAR’S DAY: “Let the year start with a bang”

“The meal on the first day of the year is not without importance, for many it is a bit of a tiring start as they have come from a long night. But even in that case we should not neglect ourselves. It is the first meal of the year and, even if it is in family as if it is with friends, we must look and feel attractive the same.

This event is much more relaxed, as we have come from all the parties, and it does not need so much sophistication, brightness or color. But elegance and correction will be important, not everything goes. So yes, a little more comfortable, but with the same careful mood, look good and detail. Let the year start with a bang.”