A hawk-eye error takes away a goal from Sheffield United

The Premier League has returned with controversy. Sheffield United were not awarded a goal against Aston Villa despite the ball clearly exceeding the goal line. Not even the goal technology acted, despite the insistence of the visiting footballers, who saw the ball inside Nyland's goal. The local goalkeeper was surprised by a lateral foul thrown by Olver Norwood and finally caught the ball, but threw himself towards the goal, so much that he put it inside.

Shield / Flag Sheffield Utd

The action derailed Sheffield United as the Premier League has boasted of its technological progress with the introduction of technology on the goal line, always so useful, but surprisingly he did not act in the resumption of the English competition.

Aston Villa Shield / Flag

Later, the technology of the hawk eye confirmed through social networks that there was a mistake in Sheffield United's ghost goal that did not go up to the scoreboard

“The seven cameras placed around the field they were significantly covered by the goalkeeper, the defender and the stick. The level of occlusion never seen in more than 9,000 games where this technology has been present, “said Hawkeye.

“The system was tested before the start of the match as established by the IFAB rules and certified by the match officials. The hawk's eye apologizes to the Premier League, Sheffield United and all those harmed by this incident. “