One of the issues that arouses the most interest among fans of the Atletico Madrid It has to do with the fate of the mattress ‘9’ in the last two seasons, we talk about Louis Suarez.
The Uruguayan player ended his two-year contract with the rojiblanco team, without the club offering him a renewal. Now it’s up to you to decide his future.
The fate of the striker Luis Suarez could be a return to South America. Free in the market, the Uruguayan forward is in the plans of River Plate, according to the journalist German Garcia Grovaof ‘TyC Sports’.
The charrúa is free in the market, being able to arrive for free at River Platewhich is looking for a replacement for Julian Alvarezsold to Manchester City.
Initially, the preference Luis Suarez would be to stay in Europamore specifically in spainwhere he has lived since 2014. However, a return to South America or even a trip to the MLS.
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