A dozen stocks will pay dividends of more than 7%

The year that was now behind was the one of the transition towards normality in the remuneration policy of the companies that the pandemic abruptly interrupted. Many firms from the Continuous Market recovered the payments they had canceled to preserve their liquidity in the face of the uncertainty that the Covid, although in many cases these are far from recovering the amounts prior to the pandemic while waiting for the benefits to also rise.

Banking, for having been the sector on which an obvious ban fell from Brussels, occupied all eyes at the moment in which it returned to pay off in a set from October 1 of the past exercise of the hand of Bankinter.

But this temporary paralysis ?? does it seem like ?? It also affected firms linked to the automotive sector such as CIE Automotive and Gestamp, to the giant Inditex ?? that decided to delay the extraordinary dividend for one year ??, to Prosegur and its subsidiary, Cash, who approved a pseudo-scrip to avoid cash outflows, to real estate developers and Socimis that canceled payments approved before the Covid , and a long etcetera until monopolizing, except for the sector utility, to a good part of the Spanish stock market.

With the new year it is also expected that the Ibex 35 recover a historical level of profitability of 4%, which it gave up as a result of the pandemic, compared to 3.5% at the end of 2021. So will the Italian stock market, for whom the consensus foresees a return of 4% of face to the next twelve months. Both will overtake, and will leave in third place, the British footsie who is with whom they usually fight the first position of the European ranking. El Cac 40 Parisian offers, for the next financial year, a return of all its payments of 2.77% and the Dax germano, 2.9%. Now, it must be taken into account that the Paris Stock Exchange closed last year as the most bullish index on the continent, with gains of 29% compared to an Ibex 35 that dreamed of reaching 8%.

The Ibex with dividends is up 4.2% from hitting all-time highs again, very far from the behavior of the Ibex 35, which is far from recovering those 16,000 points of the year 2007. Specifically, more than 82%.

Done the summary of what was left behind, now what can you expect? According to forecasts, twelve firms offer returns above 7% with the dividend that will be distributed throughout 2022 ?? some with a charge to the results of 2021 ??. And two of them more than 10%. These are Atresmedia (which has already announced that it is recovering its payment) and Naturhouse, which although its dividend has been canceled since the last distribution in November 2019, analysts are confident that it will return with force. This was also stated by its president, Félix Revuelta, in an interview with elEconomista at the end of last year. “All the box that has entered will come out [de 26,6 millones de euros a cierre de junio, último dato disponible] and we will give a strong dividend when it touches us “, he affirmed then. The market expects a payment of 0.06 euros that rents more than 10%. The first of the four annual payments traditionally arrives in May.

The ibex will recover in 2022 a remuneration of 4%, in its historical average, tied with the Milanese stock market

Atresmedia is a classic of remuneration, with 11.5% profitability for this year. Last December he paid the first of his post-pandemic payments of 0.18 euros. To collect the second you have to wait until June 16, according to forecasts, worth 0.22 euros.

With a profitability greater than 8% There are seven other companies: Telefónica, Mapfre, Enagás, Metrovacesa, Prosegur Cash, ACS and Aedas Homes. The first three stand out with up to almost 9% now offered by teleco securities, which has returned to the scrip formula, or 8.6% from the insurer and gas company. Above 7% are two other companies: Mediaset and Logista.

And who also returns to the retributive elite? Lar Spain. The fact that 100% of its assets Being shopping centers did not prevent you from keeping your payment these last two years, although in a reduced version. A return of close to 8% is expected, payable in May, and for an amount of 0.41 euros. For its part, the new Metrovacesa has a short history of payments ?? only three ??, although based on it it could be expected in May. The consensus expects a total of 0.6 euros gross per share.

In the ranking of the most attractive payments on the Spanish stock market, no bank appears, although their remuneration has gradually gone climbing to levels of 5% expected for this year, not including the buybacks announced by BBVA and Santander. If they are included, the entity chaired by Carlos Torres presents the highest remuneration (overall), 13.6%, if an estimated dividend of 0.206 euros and a buyback of 10% of the capital are taken into account (about 3,700 million euros). euros). The first of the installments this year is expected for April 5, for 0.131 euros. Santander would climb to 6% profitability with a payment of 0.097 euros estimated on a payout of 40% and the repurchase of shares, which will double this amount if the equivalent were made in shares.

The first payments of the year

Endesa and CIE Automotive they inaugurated the year of dividends, but now we must focus on what is to come. Repsol will be the first of the big companies to give back. It will do so on January 11, with a payment of 0.3 euros, and having already set aside the scrip. His dividend for the year will be 0.6 euros, already confirmed by the oil company, and income is 6%.

Gestamp, which after almost two years has also resumed its payments, will pay 0.038 euros on the 12th. Its annual profitability, discreet, is 1.3%. CAF will do the same one day later, with 0.4 euros, and an annualized return of 2.7%.

The shareholders of Iberdrola they will have to wait until February 1 to collect in cash a confirmed dividend of 1.70 euros. To access this payment you have to get titles, at the latest, on Monday. Another scrip? Twice as succulent ?? It will arrive on February 8 from the hand of ACS. A payment of 0.45 euros is estimated. Logista, another outstanding company with a remuneration that it offers 7.1% in total for the year, will pay 0.83 euros on 24 February.
